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Does Screen Time Affect Your Eyes?

An adult taking off their glasses and rubbing their eyes in frustrating while working at their computer due to eye strain.

Screens are everywhere. From our morning alarms on smartphones to late-night binge-watching on tablets, they play an important role in our daily routines. But with these devices so entwined into our lives, many people are wondering—does screen time affect your eyes? Screen time does affect your eyes, but it’s almost always temporary. These devices can […]

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7 Reasons To Buy Eyeglasses From Your Optometrist

An optometrist holds out two pairs of eyeglasses to a patient, who holds up their index finger between them to choose

Finding the perfect pair of eyeglasses is more than just a fashion choice; it’s about ensuring you have the best vision and care tailored to your needs. For eyeglass wearers, particularly those who value quality and personalized service, buying glasses from your optometrist offers accurate prescription and fits, access to the latest technology, and post-sale […]

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Can I Convert My Eyeglass Prescription to a Contact Lens Prescription?

A close-up image of an optometrist holding out a pair of eyeglasses and contact lenses to explain the difference in prescriptions.

Switching from eyeglasses to contact lenses can offer a world of convenience and comfort. Contacts offer an incredible alternative to glasses. However, making this switch has a learning curve for first-time wearers. Questions such as whether you can convert your eyeglass prescription to a contact lens prescription often arise. While several mathematical formulas claim to […]

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Does Laser Eye Surgery Hurt?

A patient undergoing laser eye surgery wearing a mask and surgical coat.

For many adults, nearsightedness is an everyday problem. This refractive error is well known for how it causes blurry vision, strain, headaches and more. Fortunately, there’s an answer: laser eye surgery, a permanent approach to resolving these vision problems. So what should you expect from laser eye surgery? Does it hurt? Laser eye surgery may […]

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Contact Lens Eye Exams: What to Expect

A woman and her eye care professional are discussing contact lenses during her contact lens eye exam.

Contact lenses offer a convenient and often more comfortable alternative to glasses for many people. However, getting contact lenses isn’t as simple as picking them off the shelf. A specialized contact lens eye exam is essential to ensure that your lenses fit properly, correct your vision adequately, and maintain the health of your eyes. Here’s […]

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