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Category: Eye Health

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The Best Eye Drops for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction

A person suffering with MGD using eye drops to relieve their symptoms

Finding the right eye drops for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) can make a big difference in managing symptoms like dryness, irritation, and blurry vision. With so many options available—from over-the-counter lubricating drops to prescription treatments—it’s helpful to know what works best for your condition and why.  What Is Meibomian Gland Dysfunction? The meibomian glands are […]

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Does Screen Time Affect Your Eyes?

An adult taking off their glasses and rubbing their eyes in frustrating while working at their computer due to eye strain.

Screens are everywhere. From our morning alarms on smartphones to late-night binge-watching on tablets, they play an important role in our daily routines. But with these devices so entwined into our lives, many people are wondering—does screen time affect your eyes? Screen time does affect your eyes, but it’s almost always temporary. These devices can […]

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Nearsightedness vs. Farsightedness: What’s the Difference?

A man with nearsightedness holds his smartphone close to his eyes.

The human body is incredible, but it can also be delicate. Many people experience eye conditions, diseases, and other vision issues. Regular eye exams are important for diagnosing and managing vision problems.  2 common vision problems diagnosed during routine eye exams are nearsightedness and farsightedness. Both require glasses, but what’s the difference between them? Nearsightedness […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?

A man sitting at a desk in an office with his laptop and holding his glasses in his right hand as he rubs his eyes

When you’re experiencing dry eyes and headaches at the same time, it raises the question: Are your headaches caused by dry eyes? Suppose you are among those people with chronic headaches. You’ve likely tried everything from over-the-counter medications to specialist tests to get a better understanding of your symptoms. Dry eyes and headaches can share […]

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